Jonathan an Assemblies of God USA Commissioned Chaplain with Advanced Ecclesiastical Endorsement with The Assemblies of God Commission on Chaplains, is the Lead Pastor of Glad Tidings Tabernacle located in Key West, Florida, Caribbean Regional Commander for Frontline Chaplains International, and a Chaplain Coordinator with The Billy Graham RRT.
Jonathan serves on the Official Board of the Assemblies of God in The Bahamas Including the Turks and Caicos Islands.
He began his journey in the Gospel ministry in 1982, holding various roles throughout his career, including Pastor, National Youth Director, District, and National Church Official. In 1985, Jonathan was ordained as a Minister with The Assemblies of God and later consecrated as a Bishop with Global United Fellowship in 2017. Jonathan is a member of The Bahamas College of Bishops.
He and his wife, Shena, are parents to three children: Jonathan, Stephen, and Joyanne. Their family has expanded to include two daughters-in-law, Sherry and Violet, one son-in-law, Isaac, and five grandchildren.
Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor # 2377041 - NCCA, 1992
Diplomate - The National Board of Christian Clinical Therapists # 47161, 2004
Board Certified Clinical Supervisor #47161, 2004
Doctor of Philosophy Pastoral Psychology - Faith Theological Seminary, 1993 Tampa, Florida
Doctor of Professional Leadership - Isaiah University, 2014 Daytona, Florida
Doctor of Ministry in Chaplaincy - Isaiah University, 2020 Daytona, Florida
In 1993, Dr. Carey founded Programme S.U.R.E. (Success Ultimately Reassures Everyone), a public alternative school in the Bahamas aimed at supporting students with persistent disciplinary challenges, where he held the position of principal for six years. Furthermore, Jonathan has played a significant role as a member of The Bahamas National Crime Commission, chaired the Bahamas National Youth Advisory Board, and directed the West Grand Bahama Community Tourism Board under The Ministry of Tourism.
Board Member with Won By One To Jamaica. Won By One To Jamaica empowers individuals by fostering genuine connections and providing valuable resources through education, medical, economic, and spiritual focus.
Advisory Board Member Juvenile Justice Circuit #16, State of Florida, USA
Member of The Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers-USA
In acknowledgment of his significant contributions in the United States as a chaplain, community counselor for at-risk youth, and first responder, Jonathan received the U.S. President's Lifetime Achievement Award for Community Service and Volunteerism in 2023.
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